Thematic Symposium 12: Traditional Peoples and Communities: challenges of orality
(submission of proposals until March 20, 2023 on the site:
Wladimyr Sena Araújo – UNIRIO – BRASIL
Andrea Casa Nova Maia -UFRJ- BRASIL
Traditional peoples and communities are categories used by the Brazilian Federal Decree No. 6,040 of 2007, to define distinct groups with peculiar characteristics that include their own social organization and the use of the territories and natural resources existing in them for their sociocultural reproduction (threatened in many cases), as well as aspects related to ancestry, socioeconomics, kinship relations and other aspects inherent to their cultures. The resumption of the human rights agendas of the indigenous and quilombola populations in the face of increasing confrontations and attempts to exterminate certain groups led us to think about how oral history has a political role in the sense of amplifying these voices and cultures, contributing to the struggles and resistance In this sense, this Symposium has, on the one hand, the purpose of promoting the meeting of academics from different areas and institutions to discuss issues related to the advances and challenges encountered in the development of their research in relation, mainly, to the transversality of knowing and knowing; application of conceptual and methodological procedures typical of oral history; intersection of areas of knowledge, responsibilities and ethics of professionals in terms of research, cutting and dissemination of information in this area. On the other hand, this meeting will have memory as its guiding element, since as a source of knowledge it involves individual and collective experiences, where groups, communities and traditional peoples end up becoming visible through the work of historians and other professionals who use oral history as a tool, way of “exorcising” the underground, fostering, as Boaventura de Sousa Santos already mentioned, the emergence of the absent, with memory and their silenced voices brought to light. Research on the memory and orality of this TS must take into account the debates on ancestry, traditional knowledge and worldviews, life in demarcated territories and/or urban areas, because they are important elements for the memory of the past and of the present, as well as for survival. .of traditional peoples and communities, constantly threatened and attacked in their territories or outside them, with their cultures and constitutional rights constantly in check in Brazil. Papers in the most diverse areas of knowledge will be accepted, provided they use oral history as a central element of the studies.