About Us
The International Oral History Association (IOHA)
IOHA is a professional association established to provide a forum for oral historians around the world, and a means for cooperation among those concerned with the documentation of human experience.

History and Mission
The International Oral History Association was formally constituted in June 1996 at the IXth International Oral History Conference in Göteborg, Sweden.
IOHA seeks to:
- Stimulate research that uses the techniques of oral history.
- Promote the development of standards and principles for individuals, institutions and agencies (both public and private) who have the responsibility for the collection and preservation of historical information gathered through the techniques of oral histories, in all forms.
- Foster the value of the oral history.
Our Work
Through international conferences, collaborative networks, and support for national oral history organizations, IOHA seeks to foster a better understanding of the democratic nature and value of oral history worldwide.
The Association meets every two years in a different region or continent for the International Oral History Conference.
Words and Silences / Palabras y Silencios is the Digital Edition Journal of the International Oral History Association. It includes articles from a wide range of disciplines and is a means for the professional community to share projects and current trends of oral history from around the world
The official languages of IOHA and its publications are English and Spanish.
Leadership and Governance
The International Oral History Association is governed by a Council elected at the General Meeting of the biennial international oral history conference.
Connect with Us
Membership in the International Oral History Association is open to any individual or institution supporting our aims and objectives. Learn more about becoming a member.
Please contact us if you have any questions about IOHA or membership in the association.