About the 23rd International Oral History Conference
The Polish Oral History Association will be hosting this conference in Kraków, Poland.
Visit the IOHA Conference website for full details.
Proposals for individual papers, session panels (5 papers each), or audio-visual presentations (film/play screenings followed by round table discussions) are to be submitted by July 31, 2024, via the online form on the conference website: https://ioha2025.conference.pl/. More information on abstract submission rules: HERE
Grant Application Form IOHA 2025
IMPORTANT: Deadlines to be posted soon.
For each international conference the IOHA is able to provide small grants for a limited number of participants. The IOHA Conference/Master Class Scholarship Fund aims to bring together international oral history scholars from inside and outside the academic realm, to continue building a unique global platform for professional exchange and comparative oral history inquiry.
IOHA Conference/Masterclass Grants take the form of financial support for travel costs, master classes fees or conference fees. The grant is a supplement; applicants are advised to start looking for funds from other sources as soon as they determine their intention to participate. Click here information and to access the IOHA Conference/Master Class Scholarship Application Form both in English and in Spanish. The Scholarship Application due date is December 30, 2024.
Awards & Scholarships
IOHA introduced the biennial IOHA awards in 2021, with the inaugural winners announced at the XXI IOHA Conference. The awards are open to oral historians working in any field, across community, academia, or media professions.
The next submission will open soon and winners announced at the XXIII IOHA Conference in Kraków. Watch this space for more information.
Previous Conferences
The XXII IOHA Conference:
Oral History in a Digital and Audiovisual World
Rio de Janeiro
Archived content under construction. Watch this space.